The management of operations and assets in the Oil, Gas and Energy sector is one of the most complexes in the industry

We create technology solutions for monitoring, generating and controlling data in real-time, supporting assertive decision making and predicting potential risks.

Operated Ventures

Manage and share documents (such as ballots, for example) and information

Optimize risk, cost and production for the supply chain, assets and production

Have transparency and compliance in the approval flows of contracts and ballots

Maximize the Exploration and Production of oil and gas from onshore and offshore wells with safety and reduced costs

Make complex onshore and offshore operations processes more responsive/agile from integrated, unified and easily manageable technologies

Perform data collection in real-time and make managing risks, costs and results quickly and efficiently


Manage and share documents (such as ballots, for example) and information

Optimize risk, cost and production for the supply chain, assets and production

Perform data collection in real-time and make managing risks, costs and results quickly and efficiently

Maximize the Exploration and Production of oil and gas from onshore and offshore wells with safety and reduced costs

Make complex onshore and offshore operations processes more responsive/agile from integrated, unified and easily manageable technologies

CostOil (Costs)

Track production and supply chain performance in real-time, in a unified and integrated way with other Softwares

Re-evaluate processes by collecting updated and integrated data

Optimize the value chain, ensuring productivity and greater efficiency in cost management of operations

Optimize risk, cost and production for the supply chain, assets and production

Asset Issues

Manage and share documents (such as ballots) and information

Evaluate ballots, access document histories and manage approval systems securely and integrated

Monitor business continuity performance in real-time and maximize results with real-time data tracking

Optimize and more efficiently manage production sharing contracts

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