BlueHealth consolidates as a tool for corporate health protocol control

INTCOM Digital revolutionizes healthcare management processes at companies

In 2020, INTCOM Digital faced the challenge of developing a technology solution tailored for process management focused on corporate health and safety. It all started when Petrobras selected us to create a technology that would be able to provide a rapid response to the management of health protocols related to COVID-19. At that time, the conception of the new tool, BlueHealth, shed light on the need to create agile and effective solutions to control the spread of the pandemic, in the context of the resumption of work in offices, factories, platforms, hospitals, hotels, etc.

From this first experience, INTCOM gained new customers and BlueHealth went to market offering the possibility of broad customization of functionality and high adaptability to different operating systems. Based on the specific realities of each company and the particular configurations of their processes, the team began to invest increasingly in end-to-end customization of the software.

Today, BlueHealth goes beyond COVID-19 management. The solution allows managers and employees from all areas and industries to notify, manage and track cases and suspicions of endemic or pandemic diseases of all kinds and in different contexts. It is possible to create customized processes to monitor accidents, diseases and comorbidities, the management of vaccine records, the monitoring of medical exams, evaluations and clinical certificates, as well as the adequacy of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other occupational safety protocols.

Besides the flexibility in relation to system integration and operation functionalities, the tool facilitates the centralization and optimization of data flow, making management and analysis easier for more assertive decision-making by corporate sectors (HSE, HR and operations) of the most diverse industries (oil and gas, energy, mining, maritime and offshore, railways, facilities, retail, etc.).

With BlueHealth, employees become active in the production of their medical, clinical, dental and accident history, submitting and updating information in real time. Easy, interactive and 100% online access enables rapid creation and editing of forms, submission of documents, dissemination of internal communications and production of reports in a coordinated, controlled manner and in a fully responsive environment for use by mobile phone and notebook. Thus, managers can monitor the entire flow of information, filter, organize and measure important data in a practical and efficient manner.

Transparency in monitoring and flexibility in the access settings to these assessments also allows data to be created and disclosed in open environments (accessible to all employees) or in closed environments (accessible only to managers). Based on this information, it is possible to organize, map and discriminate important data, such as types of diseases, previous comorbidities, vaccines, age and gender of the employee, etc. All this following the LGPD guidelines, based on encrypted electronic signatures.

The initiative reinforces INTCOM Digital's potential to address the health and safety challenges of workers, preserving lives and optimizing business efficiency. The disruptive dimension of BlueHealth technology also reinforces the innovative role and growth potential of Brazilian companies in facing the opportunities and demands generated by biosecurity actions, both in the clinical perspective of prevention measures and protection of human life, and in the social and economic dimensions of the country.


Technology applicable to all sectors of industry and with high level of customization for various scenarios related to health and safety with monitoring of cases and suspicions of endemic or pandemic diseases and accidents.


Medical evaluations, examination notifications, production of forms, vaccination records, submission of certificates, data generation, production of reports, etc, in an integrated manner and on a 100% online platform via mobile phone or notebook.


SECURITY: Security and transparency in the evaluation of health and safety protocols with respect to the standards of the new General Law of Data Protection (LGPD).


Communication and coordinated update of information between managers, collaborators, physicians and technicians in a totally online and intuitive way.

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